Mersin Archeological Museum and Yumuktepe Excavations - 15 September 2018
The museum was established in 2017. The exhibits it displays come from Mersin Museum which wasn't able to store all the artefacts from the province so rich in ancient sites. I'm not sure why I have so few pictures from the museum. Perhaps I was under the influence of my visit at Yumuktepe which took place moments before. Anyway, the venue made a good impression on me and is definitely worth seeing. The aforementioned visit at Yumuktepe was very exciting. I could see many layers of the excavations and talk to supervising archaeologists, including Prof. Ilknur Taş and Prof. Isabella Caneva who has been in charge of the dig for more than 20 years.
Mersin Archaeological Museum * |
Ancient olive oil press * |
On olive harvesting * |
Distribution of amphora types in Cilicia * |
Hellenistic vessels * |
Interesting * |
At Yumuktepe with Prof. Caneva * |
Hittite layer * |