Muwatalli Relief

    Sirkeli Höyük - Muwatalli (II) Relief  - 1 September 2018

    I learned about the relief from a touristic guide at Karatepe. I decided to see it in one go with the nearby Snake Castle. My family accompanied me, but only in the car. I was taken to Muwatalli by three Swiss-German archaeologists. After we came back they introduced me to a Polish member of the team - Katarzyna. It was a fantastic surprise!

Hittite king, 13th cent. BC *

Getting into details *

Charming, German-Swiss, 
Archeo Team *

2nd relief in proximity,
erased in antiquity (most
likely depicting Urhi-Teshub) *

One of libation holes above
 reliefs *

Yılankale visible across
 Ceyhan river *