Tuesday, 24 November 2020

Olba - 7 September 2020

    Olba is a Hellenistic settlement with the Roman continuation (Durugönül 2001) situated approx. 85 km west of Mersin. It sits on a hill at the northern end of the Şeytan Deresi (Devil's Valley). The valley extends south for 25 km, finally reaching Korykos / Kızkalesi by the Mediterranean Sea. Initially, the site housed a garrison which controlled the valley traffic, but later the population of Olba became more diverse. Some time after 250 BC, 4 km west of their dwellings, the Olbians erected a temple dedicated to Zeus. In the Roman period, a new city was built around the shrine - Diokaisareia.

Nymphaion at Olba
 (immediately east of A) *

Monday, 23 November 2020

Uzuncaburç, Roman Road - 7 September 2020

    The road came as a great surprise to me. Prior to my arrival in Diocaeserea I knew nothing about its existence. I walked a few hundred meters on the solid stone surface. I didn't go to the beginning of the road, but I marched alongside the necropolis of Olba, finally reaching the small theatre you can see below. I have nothing but the admiration for the Roman builders.

Roman Road at Uzuncaburç *

Sunday, 22 November 2020

Diokaisareia (Diocaesarea) / Uzuncaburç - 7 September 2020

    Diokaisareia is an ancient city located 90 km west of Mersin and 30 km north of Silifke. The city grew around the temple of Zeus Olbios erected in the Hellenistic period by the inhabitants of nearby Olba. According to Prof. Durugönül of Mersin University the temple was built 'not before 250 BC' (2001). In the early Roman period in Cilicia, Diokaisareia was declared a free city by Emperor Tiberius who ruled between AD 14 and 37. The decline of the city began in the 5th century AD.

Propylaia of Diokaisareia (A) *

Adamkayalar (Men of Rock) - 31 August 2020

    Men of Rock are Roman tomb reliefs dated back to the 2nd century AD. They are located in the valley locally known as Şeytan Deresi some 5 km northwest of Korykos (Kızkalesi). It's a place of great natural beauty and the atmosphere of mystery. If physically you are in a good shape you must see it. The path goes steeply down, and you need to measure every step you take what only adds to the Indiana Jones like experience! 

Roman tomb reliefs (A)*

Kozan (Sis) Castle - 1 August 2020

    Sis Castle was constructed by the Armenians some time in the 12th century AD, but they were not the first inhabitants of the site. It competed with Anavarza for importance to finally become the seat of Armenian kings. The length of the wall circuit was close to 3 km (Edwards, 1987).  I climbed up to the rock top, but soon after I heard my sweet daughter crying at the foot of the castle. I could do nothing but to rush down to her what left me with a shortage of photos. 

Ascent from east *

Saturday, 21 November 2020

Kozan, Arıkan Mansion - 31 July 2020

    We arrived in Kozan on the first day of Bayram. We were the only guests in this place and we enjoyed every moment of absolute peace. Regarding the mansion, it was built by Armenians in the 19th cent. (AD of course) though the staff (nice people) claimed its Turkish origin.

Arıkan Mansion (A) *

Adana, Tepebağ - July 2020

    Tepebağ is a historical neighbourhood in the old town of Adana. It sits on a hill situated on the western bank of the Seyhan River which was navigable until 1950s when the Seyhan Dam was built for irrigation, electricity and flood prevention. Tepebağ is the place where the first Adana settlement was established in the Late Bronze Age, around 1500 BC. Unfortunately, the archaeological excavations on site, conducted by Çukurova University first and later by Bern University, were relatively short and small-scaled. Nevertheless, the scholars unearthed some interesting artefacts that are now displayed at Adana Museum. The current character of Tepebağ is rooted in the Ottoman period and the local history of Turks, Arabs and Armenians.

Tepebağ indeed *

Karatepe - 19 July 2020

    Karatepe is a neo - Hittite fortress located in the district of Kadirli in Osmaniye Province. The place was shown to archaelogists Helmut Bossert and Halet Çambel in 1946. The 8th century BC stronghold was the seat of a local ruler, Azatiwata, who named the site after himself - Azatiwataya. Karatepe is famous for its bilingual inscription in Hieroglyphic Luwian and Phoenician that was crucial in decipherment of the former script. The text, being mostly the list of glorious deeds of the above mentioned ruler, was inscribed on the gates of the fortress as well as on the statue of the Storm God within its premises. Unfortunately, boasting Azatiwata (or his successor) failed to push back the Assyrians who looted and burnt the fortress either around 720 or 680 BC.

Karatepe - neo-Hittite lion *

Friday, 20 November 2020

Flaviopolis (Ala Mosque) / Kadirli - 19 July 2020

    Flaviopolis was the ancient city founded by Emperor Vespasian in AD 73 (Sayar 2010) Vespasian was a member of the Flavian family which gave the name to the polis. The foundation took place a year after the Seleucids were finally stripped of their lands by Vespasian and Cilicia became fully Roman. Flaviopolis was the last city built in the region by the Romans (Sayar 2010). It is yet to be definitely confirmed that Kadirli is Flaviopolis, but the objects unearthed in situ, i.e. a Roman bath and villa with mosaics are strong leads in favour of such hypothesis. Today, where the city once stood, we can see a basilica from the 5th century, which was converted into a mosque, called Ala, in the Middle Ages.      

Looking from west *

Anazarbos (Anavarza) / Dilekkaya - Lower City - 12 July 2020 & 19 January 2021

    Anazarbos was an ancient city in Cilicia located on and alongside an isolated range of hills, ca. 220 m high. It is not clear who and when founded the city. It is speculated that the Upper City was first inhabited by the Assyrians, and the Greeks gave a start to the Lower City. Local scholars claim that currently used name 'Anavarza' has its origin in the Persian word 'nezarba' meaning 'invincible'. The Persians had been present in Cilicia for some 200 years before the arrival of Alexander the Great in 333 BC. The city rose to prominence under the rule of Rome when it became the 2nd most important centre in the region after Tarsos.

Anazarbos *