Sunday 22 November 2020

Kozan (Sis) Castle - 1 August 2020

    Sis Castle was constructed by the Armenians some time in the 12th century AD, but they were not the first inhabitants of the site. It competed with Anavarza for importance to finally become the seat of Armenian kings. The length of the wall circuit was close to 3 km (Edwards, 1987).  I climbed up to the rock top, but soon after I heard my sweet daughter crying at the foot of the castle. I could do nothing but to rush down to her what left me with a shortage of photos. 

Ascent from east *

Landform (Google Earth) *

Castle plan (after Edwards, 1987) *

Embrasure *

Structure *

Eastern view *

Another structure *

Vaulted pass *

Need to come back *

Information *