Tumlu Castle is an Armenian castle built in the 12th century. The handsome structure sits on a limestone outcrop ca. 150 m high. The Armenians were not the first to occupy the place as fragments of a Roman pottery, dated to the 1st and 2nd centuries AD, were found in situ (Pekol 2015). Within the stronghold's solid walls a garrison was stationed which protected an auxiliary trail from modern-day Imamoğlu town to the Kozan-Ceyhan road (Edwards 1987). The castle underwent restoration works in 2014-15 that had to be halted due to safety issues (Pekol 2015). At the time of my visit there was no tourist-friendly access to the interior. To get inside I climbed up an almost vertical rocky wall and squeezed myself through a postern in one of the towers.
Tumlu Castle from east * |
Landform (Google Earth) * |
Castle plan (after Edwards 1987) * |
Looking from west * |
Convenient ascent from east * |
Gate B (on plan) * |
No stairs, no ladder, no rope * |
I crawled up, nonetheless; Gate B's slot machicolation * |
No access to Gate C; Armenians could use drawbridge * |
Additional defensive structure (A) opposite Gate B * |
Outer wall of Hall K * |
Tower M with postern; that's how I got inside * |
Restored door arch of Tower M * |
Tower M is square inside * |
Cistern L * |
Looking from western end of Wall N * |
From the left: Room D, Gate C, Cistern E, possibly a chapel behind Cistern E, Storage Room G, behind G there is Tower F serving as a one-hatch cistern.
Room D, entrance * |
Room D, looking from north * |
Room D, looking from south * |
Room D and Gate C * |
Gate C under renovation * |
Gate B seen from Gate C; Dumlu village in background * |
North wall of Cistern E, some lime mortar on it * |
Cistern E, made entirely of tile bricks *
Space adjacent to Gate C's southern wall seems to be chapel * |
Apse, I believe * |
'Apse' window * |
'Apse' decorations at regular interval * |
Storage Rooms G and H * |
Embrasures over H with brick arches - most likely later Mamluk element * |
Part of H's interior * |
On roof of Room I * |
I's interior; looking from south * |
West entrance to I * |
Storage Room J * |
Storage Room J terminates in southeastern tower that could have wooden roof * |
Hall K adjacent to Tower M and Cistern L * |
One of three roundheaded door to K * |
Hall K, vault supported by two ribs; looking from east * |
Wall N with four embrasures * |
Northwestern view (P) * |
Back to postern; time to go * |
Limestone outcrop; southern view * |
It was great! * |