The Grand Mosque was erected in 1579 by Ibrahim Bey, a member of the Ramazanoğlu family. It was built with blocks of limestone on the plan of rectangle. The longer walls were laid on the east-west axis. There is a courtyard adjacent to the northern wall of the structure with a peristyle and a fountain as architectural elements. The peristyle is covered with a number of small domes. The place offers that special lazy atmosphere enjoyed by many (me for sure!).
Grand Mosque's marble entrance * |
Landform (Google Earth) N↑ * |
Minaret in northwestern corner is separated from the construction * |
Floor ornament at entrance * |
Fountain, looking from south * |
Presence of Corinthian capitals heralds former Roman structure * |
Courtyard, looking from north-east * |
Courtyard, looking from south-west * |
3-nave interior, looking eastward * |
Grave outside western wall * |
Aforementioned minaret built in 1363 as part of another mosque * |
Northeastern corner with minaret turned into clock tower in 1895 * |