I spotted a small brown plaque while driving through Tarsus. The name on it, 'Donuktaş Roman Temple', was completely strange to me what sparked my interest. When I arrived there I saw a massive foundation of a former temple dedicated to Emperor Hadrian. The 2nd century AD structure, erected on the plan of rectangle, was 133,5 m long, 60,5 m wide and over 30 m high. The dimensions place it among the largest temples of the Ancient World (Tarsus Museum).
Donuktaş Roman Temple * |
Landform (Google Earth) N↑* |
Structure made of Roman concrete cast in between walls made of stone blocks not present on site anymore (photo: Tarsus municipality) * |
Foundation is 8 meters high * |
Tarsus Museum dedicated one of its chambers to Donuktaş * |
Temple model * |
Temple's 1:1 column base, 2,29 m in diameter * |
Original element of column base with later (Byzantine) mark of cross * |
Donuktaş artefacts * |
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